Dr. Daniel Vinograd Moves From Alpha Dental To Posh New Location
If you’ve been to see Dr. Daniel Vinograd, San Diego’s experienced and dedicated holistic dentist, there’s something you need to know: He’s moved from Alpha Dental to a beautiful new facility called Brighton Gentle Dental, located at 10450 Friars Road, Suite G in San Diego.
At the new place you’ll find state-of-the-art facilities, beautiful surroundings and some other important features that make it the right place for you to turn for your San Diego dentist:
- more than enough FREE parking for everyone
- easy freeway access
- convenience of being just three miles from his previous office
- easy access to your old patient file, moved securely from Alpha Dental.
The complete new address — including a new dedicated phone number — is:
Brighton Dental San Diego
10450 Friars Road Suite G
San Diego, CA 92120 (map)
(619) 346-7422
Put Dr. Vinograd To Work For You
Dr. Vinograd works hard for his patients, and if you aren’t already one of them you can be soon. Just contact the office for your first appointment. Our prices are affordable on most budgets. Plus, we accept most dental insurance, so please call to ask us if we accept yours.
With decades of experience and the latest tools at his disposal, Dr. Vinograd is 100 percent committed to pain-free, non-toxic dentistry, total safety and modern practices. This means he uses:
- digital x-rays for complete convenience and the least possible exposure to radiation
- diagnostic lasers for accurate diagnoses in moments
- no-drill fillings whenever possible
- injection-free dentistry when it can provide great results
- mercury-free and nonmetallic fillings, bridges, onlays and crowns
- invisible brace to help you avoid embarrassment when wearing braces at any age
- and much more.
Dr. Vinograd Is No Longer At Alpha Dental
Don’t forget: Dr. Vinograd is no longer at Alpha Dental and now works for his patients at Brighton Gentle Dental. And his commitment to you is even stronger than ever. Plus, he’s even more committed to safe, non-toxic and biocompatible dentistry than ever. But that doesn’t limit the services he can provide. You can find all the services at Brighton that you’d find at any other dentist’s office — just with less pain, fewer toxins involved and more compassion from the doctor.
Procedures available include:
- porcelain onlays, veneers, crowns
- porclelain-fused metal bridges
- tooth-colored fillings
- implant services
- treatment and removal of gingivitis
- scaling and root planing
- bone grafts
- Invisalign braces
- and many other services and procedures too.
Dr. Vinograd Serves You At Brighton Dental
Forget about parking hassles, difficult access and any other issues you may have had with Alpha Dental. Now Dr. Vinograd is pleased to serve you at his beautiful and modern new office, designed just for him.
When you visit Brighton Gentle Dental, you’ll soon see that Dr. Vinograd’s commitment to great services, personal attention and a friendly atmosphere extends to everyone who works with him. From the moment you step in the door, you’ll know that everything just seems right. The move from Alpha Dental to Brighton Gentle Dental is suiting him well.
Looking For The Best Toothpaste? Make Your Own Fluoride-Free Toothpaste
Ongoing exposure to hazardous chemicals like those found in many commercial toothpastes isn’t smart. Instead, turn to a fluoride-free toothpaste from a maker you can trust. Or better yet, make your own toothpaste using simple ingredients you can pick up today. Soon, you’ll see that the best toothpaste is one you make yourself and know you can trust.
Trusted Fluoride-Free Toothpaste Makers
It isn’t just fluoride you should be trying to avoid. Many commonly used chemicals have been shown to be toxic, including triclosan, PEG-12, FD&C Blue, propylene glycol, sodium hydroxide and BHT. In addition, you really don’t want to use toothpastes with sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium saccharin, carrageen, sorbitol or manganese gluconate.
A few brands make fluoride-free toothpastes that don’t have the chemicals above. But read labels. Formulas change all the time. Makers you may be able to trust include:
- Tom’s of Maine, part of Colgate
- Kiss My Face
- The Natural Dentist
- Jasons
- Natures Gate
- Spry
… and only a few others. Not sure you can trust the products from any company with your health? There’s a better way.
Your Own Homemade Toothpaste
The best toothpaste you’ll ever use is one you make yourself from a small and trusted list of ingredients. In fact, there are only FOUR ingredients in our toothpaste recipe, no chemicals and you can use it confidently. Here’s exactly how to make it:
Homemade Toothpaste: Melt a half cup of non-hydrogenised virgin coconut oil over low heat in a small pan. Once melted, add 2 or 3 tablespoons of baking soda or 1 tablespoon of fine pumice plus 15 to 20 drops of cinnamon or peppermint essential oil and some Xylitol to taste. That’s it. That’s all.
Cool this toothpaste before use, and store it in a glass jar.
Homemade Toothpaste:Â It Just Makes Sense
If you want to do something right, do it yourself. If you want a good fluoride-free toothpaste that will probably serve you well, consider one of the brands mentioned above. If you want the best toothpaste you’ve ever used that tastes good, feels good and works well, however, why not make your own?
Studies are inconclusive about just how bad for you some chemicals found in toothpaste are, but there’s no reason to take a chance when making your own is so easy. And with potential reproductive and developmental side effects as well as dry mouth symptoms and allergic reactions at stake, avoiding chemicals is the right thing to do.
It’s so simple, it just makes sense.
Protect your health and your family’s health by making a smart decision about your toothpaste. When combined with making intelligent decisions regarding food choices and other health and beauty products, it can make a real difference you’ll feel every day.
– written by Ari Vinograd
Original article: http://besttoothpaste.net
Los Angeles Botox certification and authenticity
Just like with any other type of medical treatment, no one should even consider receiving Botox injections from anyone who has not had the relevant training and received their Botox certification. But this can often be a difficult thing to ascertain when you are simply a patient, and in many ways it is even harder when you are a health professional looking to gain Botox training themselves. Where do you go for the best training when it can often be very unclear exactly what it is that one has to do in order to gain the right qualifications. This is where Dr Howard Katz has stepped in for those within the dental profession.
As a dentist himself who had an interest in Botox and dermal fillers, he quickly realized that there was almost no official training for those who were already highly skilled at mixing and administering needles to patients. After decades of research and teaching, he created the Dentox training program: a course that was designed with the skills and experience of a dentist in mind so that all of the initial learning could be skipped, bringing down the entire course length to just one day. This may seem impossible, but when you consider the hours and hours of practice that dentists already have in this area, it’s rather surprising that no one has done this before.
In order to gain the right Botox certification and authenticity, we would always recommend that any dentist or dental professional who is looking to expand their practice goes to the Dentox training course that is coming to Los Angeles. Dr Howard Katz has considered everything, and you will be able to return to your dental practice with the qualification that will reassure your patients, both old and new, that you know exactly what you are doing.
More about the class: http://dentox.com/botox-training-los-angeles
Stand out from your dental colleagues in New York and offer something new
In the race to always be at the front, you need to be able to offer something new. This is true whether you are going speed dating or whether you are in business! The application may be slightly different, but the fact remains that if you are like everyone else in your field, then there is absolutely no reason for anyone to search you out, and this can be particularly problematic when you work in a medical industry such as dentistry. Of course you need to follow the same dental standards and medical procedures in order to make sure that your patients are safe and healthy, but that can often put the individual dentist as something of a disadvantage. So how can you stand out from your dental colleagues and offer something new?
Dr Howard Katz, eminent international dentist, is someone who can help. He has created a training course called Dentox that can give any dentist who undertakes it a clear edge over not only their direct competitors, but also over others in the medical industry as a whole. The Dentox training course in New York offers the skills to offer Botox and other dermal fillers to your current and new patients, making you stand out easily amongst a crowd of other dentists, and as many of the skills that are required in order to administer Botox are very similar to the ones used in dentistry, the course takes just one day to complete.
If you’re sick of the rat race in New York then now is the time to do something about it and sign up to secure your place on this training course that could end up being the difference between a new patient choosing you or choosing some other dentist.
Course details -Â http://dentox.com/botox-training-new-york/
Sliding interior doors: When Where and Why?

Interior sliding door
It may seem difficult to find the right location in your house for sliding doors. More times than not they act as a door to an outdoor space but sliding doors can be very helpful inside your home. They can be multi-functional space savers and at the same time truly update your home.
Closets are a great place to utilize sliding doors. Replacing dated bi-fold closet doors with sliding glass panels will not only reduce the amount of space used by the doors but also update the look of your home. KNR Sliding Doors offers an exclusive feature in their closet doors, a TV! This takes the cake when trying to use every square inch of your home! Many sliding glass panel doors have multiple glass options. Using a frosted glass or obscured glass will keep the items in your closet well hidden from guests in your house while also creating a more open atmosphere to your room.
Another great place for sliding doors is the laundry area. Many houses now do not feature a private room to be used exclusively for laundry. These days the washer and dryer has been added to the master bathroom or in the mudroom off the garage. Instead of searching for another area to place your appliances, just add a sliding door. This will create a private space for the surrounding areas such as your mudroom with wall shelving and storage, while also creating a sound barrier between them and the rest of the home.
One other great place for a sliding interior door is in the kitchen. More specifically, the pantry. A walk in pantry is a great addition to any kitchen. This frees up much of the cabinet space for kitchen tools and necessities while the pantry houses much of the canned and dry goods. Adding a sliding glass door the kitchen pantry will turn an eye sore into a main feature. This is a great place to really focus on the design of the sliding door. Using a frosted glass will look great but replacing that glass door with a wooden paneled door and painting it a soft pastel color will soften the look of your kitchen and make the room feel more complete.
One final idea for sliding interior doors in your home is in your dining room. Open concept homes have removed the traditional dining room from today’s homes. The kitchen flows into the eating area and great room, but sometimes you want that cozy holiday dinner feeling. A sliding interior door between your kitchen and dining room that can be used whenever you feel the need is a great idea. When you have the sliding doors open, the side panels add an architectural touch to your kitchen depending on the style you choose. When you want a more formal dining room atmosphere, close the sliding doors. Its that easy!
All it takes is thinking a little outside the box and you can achieve that touch of design you have been looking for. Adding sliding glass doors in specific areas of your home will not only impress your guests but truly make day to day living in your home that much easier.
Reference:Â http://knrslidingdoors.com
Holistic Dentistry – A Safe way to the perfect smile
The best way to say a thousand words without uttering a word is through smiling. Nothing is ever so beautiful, so inviting and welcoming than a perfect smile. Not only does a warm smile show how happy an individual is, it also shows the state of one’s health. To say the least, most people are now seeking cosmetic dentistry to have pledged that their teeth not only stays white and straight but also keep being decay free. Cosmetic dentistry, it should be noted, is not only about teeth but the protection of gums and indeed the health of the whole body alike. For example, people now know that periodontal diseases are closely related to heart problems and that teeth with bad alignment cause digestive issues. Note that there are a lot of diseases whose roots can easily be traced to other dental problems.
What is holistic dentistry
Also known as biological or natural dentistry. When treating these dental practitioners will consider their patient’s entire body and system including the mind, spirit and lifestyle. Afterward, they will-will strive to enhance the patient’s overall health by developing the most suitable and sustainable treatment program. In doing this, they pay special attention to the patient’s immune system. Whenever there is an alternative way for a diagnosis, like the use of low emission equipment, holistic dentist tends to go for that than to subject their patient to harmful or other extreme x rays. They will also use resin as an alternative to toxic amalgam, which has mercury contents and more often than not provide a service of extracting old amalgam fillings and detoxification of any mercury residue on the cavity.
Holistic Dentistry and Amalgam Fillings
Researched and documented evidence show that amalgam fillings (commonly known as silver filling) pose diverse health risks for all. In particular, individuals who are chemically sensitive. Studies have further shown and proved that such a low content of mercury in this method of dental treatment can affect normal kidney functions or worse, the neurological function of the brain causing cellular degeneration. The condition found in individuals who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. For the mentioned and more, biological dentists are against the use of silver filling as a treatment method. If you’ve ever had your tooth filled with amalgam and you wished to have the remnants of the filling extracted and replaced, it is advisable that you find a holistic dentist who can access other materials naturally compatible with your body and also help you with the process of detoxifying mercury.
Holistic Dentistry and Fluoride
This product is an ingredient in toothpaste and distilled drinking water. Fluoride has been found to be toxic and can be harmful even in the smallest possible doses. Recent research on fluoride has very little in the way of health benefits leading to the flaw on various attempts to incorporate it in water supplies.
There are now increasing holistic dental practitioners and they are important in complementary healthcare. Often times they work with holistic healthcare practitioners. It is important that you be aware of the overwhelming number of holistic dental practitioners and make an informed decision when making your choice. When choosing dentists, it is important to ask relevant questions in regards to your general health and to the dentist’s attitude towards this form of dental care. Any holistic dental practitioner will be more than happy to oblige.
 More at http://sandiegodentist.org