Archive for October, 2013

Looking For The Best Toothpaste? Make Your Own Fluoride-Free Toothpaste

Ongoing exposure to hazardous chemicals like those found in many commercial toothpastes isn’t smart. Instead, turn to a fluoride-free toothpaste from a maker you can trust. Or better yet, make your own toothpaste using simple ingredients you can pick up today. Soon, you’ll see that the best toothpaste is one you make yourself and know […]


College of Surgeons San Diego Inspiring Quality Forum P4

So, how do we continually train our workforce in these new ways?  We can ill-afford to put any trained surgeons in the shelf for lack of training.  So, having these sorts of centers where surgeons can come to learn procedures, hone their skills, is another part of our quality improvement. So, I thank you very […]


College of Surgeons San Diego Inspiring Quality Forum P2

San Diego is probably a community in the country where they used these principle in developing The Trauma Center 30 years ago.  It has really been a model for how we look at this.  The trauma system is truly an example of disease management, and these principles are embedded in this concept.  I think you’re […]


College of Surgeons San Diego Inspiring Quality Forum P3

Dr. Eastman: While I’m thanking Dr. Hoyt, in the interest of time, why doesn’t the panel assemble on the podium?  Dr. Hoyt, thank you.  Dr. Feinstein might have been good, but you were better.  David Hoyt has always inspired me, and I guess what I would like to say, Dr. Cochrane, you know Dr. Hoyt […]


College of Surgeons San Diego Inspiring Quality Forum

  Dr. Brent Eastman: I’m going to begin by reading the mission statement of the American College of Surgeons.  Most of our organizations have mission statements.  We may or may not live by them.  I will tell you that I and my relationship with the College we do, and you can judge it today based […]

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