Here’s a mother key thing we don’t really seeing a lot of practise management programs. The ability to post treatment and payments per procedure. One of the things we hear a lot  of  offices is  that they  have associates  and they find  it  just almost  impossible  with their  software  to be able to handle those types of payments and look for software that can handle something like  this certainly Maxident that has  those kind  of features. They may not be the only one but they are the ones that I am aware of. You want something that has got a good image management module if you want. Certainly it’s  great to have a bridge solution  but if they  are  going to  support their image management,  a module  is part  of the software and  have it  be  open  ended and  you can pick and  choose  whatever  censors to whatever boxer plate why not look  for something  like that. Any of you that have used Patria or Clineview or Professor, you are familiar with this type of software, very similar in design and Patrix software. Both feature bridge that easily to their practise management software and its going to allow you pretty much use everything.
The only censor for example that I am aware that won’t work with Maxi viewer is Debus. I know that’s the case. I’m not sure in Canada but they are locked as well because they will work with the military installations in the US.  That’s really what I recommend.  It’s a module that allows you to do whatever you want and have all of that available. Obviously the electronic chart is critical for the practise management software. You want to  be  easy to  use whether you are  using a mouse or a touch  screen monitor we are seeing a lot of interest right now  and  the  possibility of using  IPad or tablet PCs in the operatory . So the software has been designed to use whatever input, whatever type of pc that you are using.  So you want it to be an easy, to be able to take that charting and get it up to the front desk electronically. Again this is a different type as of  features that  you are  looking forward , something that can work with his touch screen ready like IPad , like  tablet pc and certainly they come with  different  views, this is the one that I like with their software, the topical  , the  have the geometric view as well. This is easily my favourite one.  You want it to also be. Again this is another huge issue for a lot of  practises is that we’ve got all of these paper charts, were  used to  system the  way it is how  do we transition? We want charting that is to understand, that it’s customisable. You want it to work with some of the hands free devices that are out there, dental rack. People on both countries I’m sure  are  familiar with dental  rack , voice activated and  it’s  all kinds of easy that you can get charting into  your  system that’s  a little  bit more modern an  make  it easier for  you and your  staff to  do that  . You want it to be customisable. Everyone likes their  screen to be a certain way  sometimes  into he  practise the  front  office manager wants  her  screen one way and  people in the back wanted their own way . Again these are the types of features to look for in practise management software, that complete level of customization.
Signature test. That a big thing has well. People are going chartless and paperless. What do you do with all those forms that need signatures .The form consent, the medical history forms, dental history, US Hila forms? In the state and I’m sure this is the same with Canada, electronic signatures are perfectly valued, viable options. So why not look for something like this built into the software as oppose finding a way to kind of cobble it in. They have  got what  they’ve got the Maxi  sign and patients  get to sign their document ,they  sign their  questionnaires, when they go into treatment  of a pharmacy test words as well. It’s a perfectly authenticated patient digital record. Its date and time stamps everything so that no one can tamper with it. So that you have that security issue to deal with. Again it’s just all the type soft features that I recommend. Here’s another thing that is very rare to see with practise management software, their own built in online back up. Certainly many of  you who are on this call  are  clients  of  ours and  have some of the backup systems  that  we recommend which obviously  we  recommend  but  if  it’s so critical to back up your practise management software why don’t more practise  management program  built into  it  so that it goes  up automatically .  Truly a set it and forget it kind of system, you get an automated response from them, the backup skills that you know about it.  These are just really the types of features that you are looking for into his software.
Another final critical piece of the puzzle and we find so many practises making this mistake. We saw you know we spend so much time on this software and so much money and we’ve given you computers and all the things we need to do  but my staff are smart they are not going to need training. We can figure that out on our own and that’s basically like shooting yourself in the foot. Definitely not something that I would recommend. You definitely want to work with a company that’s going to get an instructor in there. We really recommend doing things in stages.  Some of the better practising management  programs out there Maxident is one of those will do things in  stages so you are not  going through 4 days nonstop of  training which we all know by 2  o’clock on day one people  eyes  are  glazing cover. You really want to try to do things in small bites, learn how to use the software properly. I always recommend as well. I already have a software that you want to think about switching then that’s also another key thing to look for in your practise management software. Can they do a conversion? A lot of companies will charge you for that.  To me that’s nuts and always for years said use that as a point of the sale. Say to the company I’m not going to buy your software and so you can  do a test conversion for me and show me that you can do what you say. I shouldn’t have to pay for that and Maxident certainly doesn’t charge for that and we certainly recommend  that’s the way the way to go when it comes to the paying for stuff.
You can do things in stages as i said that you don’t have to pay for it. These are the types of things that we recommend once you are looking for it. If you are not sure about software programs out there always look for some type of guarantee.  You have more than a couple of days if you think you made the wrong choice. Well I think 60 days is pretty generous. That way you will get a chance to play with the software and decide I like it or don’t like it and if not then time to move on. Any good software company will allow you to do demos in your office or over the internet. Usually most person  prefer online but however  you want to do  it  its  perfectly  fine  but  I will always recommend  getting the first . They  had  told me  that they are  planning to do  a special  for anyone who mentions my name , it’s  good for a  couple of month. I  actually do call them  up or they  get  in touch with you and  just say to you on the webinar  that i have no idea what the discussion is ,  I’m sure this is  pretty good.
So what about the offices  that aren’t  ready to make that switch  quite yet , they have  got a practise management  software , they are  kind of happy  with  it  but they realise that they are not really ready to move forward yet. As I said and almost in all cases you are going to need some type of 3rd party ad on software to get chartless or paperless? If the question is can my practise management software do it all? The basic answer is no. For most  programs  out there they really cannot  get you completely  chartless or  paperless  and  Maxident comes pretty darn close in most cases you are  looking  at third party programs. That’s really what ware going to spend the next 20 minutes or so talking about. What are some of these, I’m not going to go through every single one of them but they are charting programs. What if you want something little but more advanced that what comes with the typical practise management program. How about patient education software. It really hasn’t  exploded the way up thought it  would but there is some  new stuff out there that I’m pretty excited about . We will talk about that. Again by the way I mentioned at the beginning for those of you who came on late. I’m  gigot be sending every  person who is on this webinar a set of PDFs that has all the slides that  I’m showing  you here this evening so your don’t have to  take  not as on all of this . I’m also going to send you a list of  every  single  product that we  have been talking about with their  contact information so that you can research it a little but  more on  your own .
Another area that is really huge right now is confirmation and survey. You have a number of companies right now in North America that are in this market, that Viewpoint, Demand Force, Smile Reminder. I don’t necessarily think the market is going to support of it but I will show you the one that is current favourite. Shade matching. We don’t have time to talk about that tonight but that’s another hot area right now. We are  going to talk about  a program called  Dent Form and  this is  really designed for companies that  don’t have a program like Maxident that say I need to get those  signatures in there its not built into my  practise  management software , how do I go about  doing that, Dent Form. Online collaboration.  I’m going to show you a new company, a new product that many of you may not have heard about, started in Calvary. They are coming down here in the states as well. Right Squid, probing systems, fee analysis. Again we are not going to have time to talk about that as well. In office communication systems, we will talk a little bit about that. So a lot of different things to touch on here. Probably one of my favourite charting programs out there is one called Florida Pro. Many of you may have heard on it. I’ve used it in my periodontist practice  in the early 90s. It was not a particularly great program then but significantly better now.
It’s basically a constant force probe where everything gets hooked into their software with a foot pedal. I can probably spend an hour just talking about Florida Pro and what it does. I remember as a periodontist whenever I would do surgery all of my patients seem to have 2mm pockets afterward. It wasn’t because they really had 2mm pockets it probably because I didn’t hold the probe with a whole amount of force that i should have. You eliminate that objectivity with the Florida Pro and the pro would be if you put it to the pocket and press down with it and all of that is going to be concurred electronically and put it into the computer. Really very little chance to get a number that’s not accurate. You can measure everything as far as digital marks and attachment levels, CVJ, all that. All the things that you want to do. One of the things I like about this program, this system is that your can print all this forms and brochures to get to patients. Charting is really, really sick, really high end time of chart. You should be able to pretty much, very practise management software out there that. That’s one of the reason I like it. If it doesn’t  work with  your practise management  software you can call them up and  it will very  quickly  so that’s a nice  feature so well.